

A lightweight, privacy-first, open-source comment system

Cusdis, an open-source comment system, has been created to be an easy-to-use alternative to Disqus. Even Cusdis comes from the Disqus spelled backward.


Vim Movements: A Journey Through Time and Text

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built for efficiently creating and changing any text, most often code. Unlike standard text editors, Vim has several operational modes like normal, insert, and visual. This approach allows proficient Vim users to edit text, using variously advanced quick 'movements' with different key combinations, without moving hands from asdf and jkl;. With traditional editors and keyboard, more advanced commands like selecting an entire line, selecting a word, and other requires moving the right hand to arrow keys and home/end (and what's even worse, laptop and smaller keyboards often don't even have those keys, or have them on the weird places like next to F Keys, or stacked vertically). These commands are much faster with Vim Movements, at least in theory.


Fonts for developers

Are fonts with ligature the solution?

For a long time, I have resisted the urge to change shorcuts, graphics settings, and fonts in my IDEs and other tools. I had simple reasoning - it was just too much chore to set up everything just right and than to move to another computer or to reinstall Windows. A lot has changed in the last few years - we often have syncing capabilities (even across platforms!) and marketplaces for themes.


ZoomIt - Annotation Tool

Simple, but great Annotation Tool

ZoomIt is a simple screen zoom and annotation tool for Windows. Except for the settings, there is no user interface, everything is run with customizable hotkeys. It is possible to zoom the screen area and move around while zoomed. Also, it is possible to draw or write on frozen screen.


Anki - Learning with Spaced Repetition Apps

Intelligence-based Superpower you can actually have

Spaced repetition is a learning technique often performed with (digital) flashcards. New and more complex cards are shown more frequently, while better known are shown less.


Architecture Decision Record - ADR

Document 'Why', not What

How often have you wanted to update something you did not understand? Not just the logic behind it, but the reason why someone did something exactly that way? And how many hours/days(/weeks?) it took you to finally conclude that "that stupid piece of code" was actually pretty smart and that was you, who was wrong and has wasted a lot of time?



Simplify Installations

Chocolatey is an open-source package manager and installer for Windows.



Create UML diagrams by writing text

PlantUML is an open-source tool that allows users to create UML and other diagrams from plain text.


Markdown Basics

Finally, a developer's markup language for writing

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax.