NCEFMRFVSxU - .Net Core + EF + MediatR + FluentValidation + Serilog + xUnit
The Heavenly (dev) Kingdom? Or the Little Slice of (dev) Hell
To misquote Lord Vader:
Creating Custom Randomized Sequential Ids (Id Series)
Guid ❤
I am a big proponent of GUIDs as a surrogate key.
Book: Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems 2nd Edition (2021)
A book that arguably started a "Microservices" movement in the industry
Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems is a classic software developer book - one of those that arguably started a new movement in the industry. Under the (very brandable) name of Microservices, author Sam Newman combined recent trends in containerization, public cloud technology, continious deployment practices, DevOps trends, and tools into the new SOA paradigm.