Book: Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-driven Approach

Book: Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-driven Approach

Practical book about Software Architecture

Published on Monday, January 16, 2023

Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach is a popular technology-agnostic software architecture book, often recommended as an introduction to software architecture.

It took me a few months to read Just Enough Software Architecture. Some of the chapters I have found very interesting, but few were very academic and somewhat hard to read. I do understand the need to cite everything, but I have found chapters about modeling more focused on proper academic writing - than on describing the modeling process. I did not like the "Home Media Player" example.

I have found the most useful the risk-driven part of the book. Depending on the risk use just enough architecture. There is no "one size fits all" solutions.

Even if it is somewhat hard to read, I would recommend this book for developers who want to work on modeling skills.


George Fairbanks has a Ph.D. in Software engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He has been involved in Industry as well as Academia. He currently works at Google.

The author has an interesting YouTube Channel, but unfortunately, he does not upload often. Also, check out George's Software Architecture Book List:

  1. Software Architecture Perspectives on Emerging Discipline
  2. Software Architecture in Practice
  3. The Process of Software Architecting
  4. Essential Software Architecture
  5. Documenting Software Architecture
  6. Software Architecture Foundation, Theory, and Practice
  7. Just Enough Software Architecture
  8. Software Architecture for Developers