VukVuk (Page 11)

Book: The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses

Also known as "The list of things I did wrong with my startups"

The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses (2011) is a popular book about startups. The main idea behind the book is to focus on testing new ideas and customers as early as possible to learn what customers want.


Creating flashcards with ChatGPT

Can you speed up the process of creating flashcards with generative AI?

I have been using GitHub Copilot for writing documentation, have been testing ChatGPT (GPT3.5) and using OpenAI API (GPT3) in some of my projects. And even after a few months, I'm amused with new possibilities and new ways to use generative AIs for text.


Public Nested Classes

Are public nested classes really so bad?

For some time, I've been using public nested classes (often records) for POCOs (Plain Old C# Object), mostly with MediatR and services. I have found this approach very useful. Everything is contained within the MediatR model (or service), there is no way to access subclasses without explicitly understanding what you are doing.